Poetry Between the Lines
- Saturday, Apr 8, 2023 5pm - 7pm Reception
- Sat, Mar 25, 2023 - Sat, May 13, 2023 9pm - 5pm
Sabine Street Studios1907 Sabine Street
Image: Holly Walrath - Struggling, Thrashing, 2021
Taking place during National Poetry Month in April, Poetry Between the Lines is an exhibition of large-
scale erasure poems. Erasure or blackout poetry is a type of found poetry created by taking an existing
text and “erasing” or blacking out words on the page. The remaining words form a poem. Using a variety
of books, Walrath’s visual poem-paintings explore the use of line in art, architecture, design, and poetry.
Holly Lyn Walrath is a poet living in Houston, Texas. She is the author of several books of poetry
including Glimmerglass Girl (2018), The Smallest of Bones (2021), and Numinous Stones (2023). She
holds a B.A. in English from The University of Texas and a Master’s in Creative Writing from the
University of Denver.
The exhibition will take place in the newly christened East Corridor Gallery, at Sabine Street Studios. The opening reception will take place on April 8, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm after Second Saturday.
The artist will also conduct an erasure poetry workshop where attendees can create their own
poems, on Tuesday, April 18, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm