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Caz Scott: Breath Work

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Sawyer Yards presents Breath Work, a new sculptural installation by Houston artist Caz Scott at the Sawyer Yards Art Alley. 

Breath Work is a single piece in three parts that represents the process of emotional regulation, taking internal action and expressing it outwardly, and moving from the states of red-hot hyperarousal and the blues of hypoarousal into a blended, centered state of being. The piece was produced using a combination of digital design techniques, machine-aided construction, and hand painting and assemblage. The combination of machine and hand-crafting is persistent in the artists' work, as are explorations of loose barriers between the digital and the real.

Caz Scott is a multidisciplinary artist, published author, and educator. With their professional background in architecture, performance art, and sculpture, alongside a deep interest in natural sciences and metaphysical philosophies, Caz offers a cross-disciplinary approach that drives innovative creation.  Their experience lecturing on digital fabrication at the university level has led them to offer 'digital apprenticeships' for aspiring artists with a desire to grow their technical skills out of a passion for sharing their expertise.  

Raised a Houstonian, Caz draws from their identity as a queer, gulf-coast resident, and their work is representative of their internal world, and external influences.   Follow them on instagram @cazcreatesllc and gain access to exclusive behind the scenes content as well as their series of master classes at