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Divergent Threads

Sawyer Yards is pleased to announce Divergent Threads, a group exhibition of five artists working with textiles and fabric, whose artwork pushes the boundaries of one of civilization's oldest technologies. The exhibition, featuring artists Dana Caldera, April DeConick, Nela Garzón, aisha tida, and Rachelle Vasquez, is on view at Sabine Street Studios in the East Corridor Gallery. 

Their artwork is connected through references to traditional and craft methodologies, imbued with a contemporary spirit. However, each artist brings a unique interpretation and style to these materials, demonstrating an array of new possibilities and storytelling strategies. 

Dana Caldera is a multidisciplinary artist, combining different media and materials to layers both physical and conceptual. The monumental collage presented here, entitled Material World, is composed of paper and fabric, and exists as a hybrid quilt, tapestry, newspaper, or even mural.

April DeConick combines hand-dyed threads and strips of fabric with ceramics and wire to create exuberant, colorful sculptures that feel as though they are in the process of erupting, fomenting, or even bubbling with energy.  DeConick's artworks are often meant to be touched and experienced in a direct tactile way. 

Nela Garzón draws inspiration from "Molas," hand-sewn, illustrated fiber art pieces created by the Guna women of Colombia and Panamá. The graphic, reverse appliqué textiles from her series Made in China explore the impact of mass production and consumerism on the rights of ethnic minorities and the environment.

aisha tida creates vibrant pattern as physical representation of cognitive dissonance and embeds it into the space, like a quiet but intense interruption. The alternating shapes of blue and red vibrate against each other, vying for dominance. 

Rachelle Vasquez' work explores the relationship between humans and animals. Her crocheted tapestries are labor intensive and carefully executed, functioning almost as painstaking tributes to her animal subjects. 

Divergent Threads is on view from March 27 - May 10 in the East Corridor Gallery at Sabine Street Studios. Join the artists for a public reception on Thursday, March 27, from 6-8 PM.  

Featured Artwork: 口渴  Kǒu kě / Thirst (2018), Nela Garzón