Celebration of Spirits
- Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 6pm - 8pm Reception
- Fri, Aug 30, 2024 - Sat, Feb 15, 2025 9am - 5pm On view
Spring Street Studios1824 Spring Street
Sawyer Yards and the artists of Spring Street Studios are proud to announce Celebration of Spirits, a new exhibition of tenant artist works in conjunction with the Day of the Dead holiday. The exhibition will be on view on the second floor, West corridor of Spring Street Studios.
Celebration of Spirits is not merely an homage to those who have departed; it is a vibrant dialogue between the living and the dead. The art included in this exhibition invites you to experience the multifaceted nature of the Day of the Dead holiday. Some works evoke the warmth of familial bonds, the strength of friendships, and the shared joys that define our existence. However, Day of the Dead can also have a dual meaning for many in the poignant remembrance of those who have passed adding a layer of emotional complexity to the holiday. Whether memory brings comfort or despair, the artistic expression of either emotion can be moving and beautiful. Join us for this tribute where art becomes a medium for connection and reflection.
Paricipating Artists: Bob Lytle, Cheri Randolph, Constance Braden, Eve Leonard, Gwen Juarez, Jennifer Martin, Justin Grant, Kelly Best Bourgeois, Lenie Caston-Miller, Lou Vest, Meribeth Privett, Michael Lesher, Nena Marsh, Sonia Davis, Soody Sharifi, Syd Moen, Terry Halsey, Donna Carnahan, Kelly Best Bourgeois
Featured Image: Untitled by Lou Vest