Diane Gelman Studio
Mixed media - acrylic with collage, soft sculpture, paintings
The Silos at Sawyer Yards
Studio 119
(713) 819-6377
I am a mixed media artist, specializing in portraits, collage, nature, and Food-based artwork. Much of my artwork is a visual feast of food-themed artwork, including paintings, food sculptures (including a giant American flag hot dog in a bun crafted from a recycled surfboard), food collages (using herbs and other ingredients), smell-based artwork, "painted" with spices, a Candy Curtain, woven with 30 pounds of lollipops - from ceiling to floor!, giant hand carved lips with candies, cakes, pies, vegetables, lemons, hamburgers, lemons, Betty Crocker, and much, much more! I often create pastry cases, with real looking glass shelves, wire containers, trays and the like out of various collage elements, and then cover them with resin. These 3-D food-centric artworks are whimsical, fun, and combine my skills of painting and pastry decoration. I aspire for my hand-crafted foods to look completely real, so that the viewer is actually tempted to reach for a delicious looking Black Forest Torte, a glittery sugar cookie, or a leafy bunch of kale! My artwork often includes a 3 dimensional aspect. The majority of the piece is attached to the canvas and yet, appears to be popping off of the picture plane.
My artwork is of the highest artistic caliber, with total integration of every element to create a complete, cohesive whole, with a meaningful story in every piece. I use additive and reductive processes in creating my work, removing or embellishing images, and often carving back into them, to showcase the real, hidden story underneath each painting.