Ammar Alobaidi
Acrylic, oil, mixed media on canvas or paper
Silver Street Studios
Studio 211
(281) 965- 6083
Autodidact, highly Skilled, Abstract Geometrical Artist that is taking the art world by storm.
Immersed in a world of art and beauty, Ammar Alobaidi was born in Baghdad, Iraq––very close to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
An engineer by studying, Ammar first became interested in mathematics and technology, earning a degree in engineering from The University of Baghdad.
In 2005, Alobaidi decided to pursue his intense passion for art and continued in 2007 under the wing of the renowned Iraqi artist Moher Aldean.
Ammar Alobaidi’s geometrical abstraction reflects a diverse range of interests, from basic geometry to complex human figurative dipped in that same abstraction. A joyful outreaching work on an inspirational grand scale that contains his thrilled vision.
His language of abstraction and brilliant colors on one hand, and a rhythmic graphic black and white pattern on the other.
“My intent is to engage people and make them happy while conveying a message of love and peace to the world.” Ammar Alobaidi.
In Ammar’s creations, texture is implied with areas of checkerboards, dots, or wavy figurative lines, while compositions are constructed with the careful precision of an engineer.
The human figure is often suggested, but each character is joined together in harmonic continuity as one form overlies another in a manner reminiscent of later works of Picasso and Matisse. Graphical bonds between men and women stand as a visual allegory of reunification, where he represents on his work, a secret cadence engrossed in a geometrical figurative dance.
Ammar Alobaidi’s work is present in several public and private collections in the United States, Iraq and Jordan.
Referring to Ammar Alobaidi’s work, Mark Cervenka commented…
“A combination of elements of joy and beauty, transferred into a striking experience”